Putkityöt ja varsinkin suunnitelmat vieneet oman aikansa kun kyseessä on vanhat röörit.
No sisälle muutetaan kuitenkin maaliskuun lopussa :-)
Tästä tilasta taiotaan kohta ihana uusi koti!!!
Sorry not being able to write the blog past weeks! We came home from our holiday, the whole family has been in influensa, I started working, etc. etc....
Our wonderful renovation project is "one" week late.
The plumbing work and water/pipes/drainage-plannig has been much more demanding as we expected. The pipes are old and tough to get access. Our great renovation experts have been digging and digging the whole week and hoping not to go though the ceiling of our downstairs neighbours.
Also, the noise is terrible, the drilling is resonating in the construction so the neighbous experience the noice much more! I hope they still greet us when we move in!
The next optimistic guess is that we move in in the end of the March, also during this month!!
Our wonderful renovation team JUVIRAK is still smiling and having good time and really giving me hope that the things will be done in time!
Lots of wonderful plannig of colours, materials, kitchen, bathroom has been done!
Ill send more pictures and text when we get these things in place!!
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